Sunday, October 29, 2017

Taking Ramen to The Next Level!

Ramen has been enriching people’s lives since the mid 1900’s. When instant ramen was invented the world of noodles would be forever changed. It is so easy for anyone to be able to make these noodles, just boil them and add the flavor packet and you’ve got yourself some Japanese ramen! Most people just eat the ramen plain which is okay, but people need to really get creative and tap into their imagination to see what magical creations can become. This week I was going through my pantry and I found an old chicken ramen square. I remember some diced chicken that I had cooked earlier but didn’t know what to use it with, and after seeing the ramen my mind started to fill with soup ideas. So I chopped up some onions, jalapenos, cilantro and garlic and threw it in my pot on a medium-low fire. I also added some soy sauce and paprika. Letting these ingredient simmer before adding water really brings out an added flavor because of the light browning. Then I added only about a cup and a half of water and the seasoning packet and when that reached a boil I added my ramen square. While the ramen cooks in the broth add another cup of water, and egg and your precooked chicken and let it boil for another five minutes. Your finished product should be ready to enjoy. If you have any jalapenos or cilantro add them on top of your soup to make it more appealing. Your friends will think you ordered ramen from a Japanese restaurant! The best part is the money you save making it from home!

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